Young Entrepreneurs in Nepal

Published on: August 8, 2009

Among the midst of the political turmoil and its entertaining melodrama, its difficult for any serious young innovators to work their vision out. With the deadlock in the western economic situation and there overwhelming influence in the developing nation, ultimately it comes to us - the young minds to stand against them.

I have seen the rising entrepreneurs in Nepal, especially Kathmandu in this span of 1 year. Last time, I remember me and few friends trying to share in a platform that was not entirely focused on young innovation. Well these kinds of things usually lead to expected over look on the ideas. But now the situation is quite reverse. Today there are not only handful of young innovators but network of them, with serious attitude to change the attitude towards better future.

Today is the start of such beginning - BarCampKTM. The concept of BarCamp is to come together from different walk of interest and share your passion among others. Do not be mistaken for the field to be narrow or any particular, its an open invitations for ideas which will get a place to foster to a tactical actions.

Though I am far from KTM, I still would be making an effort to follow it through Twitter, @barcampktm. (unless it crash like it has been lately) I hope every Nepali young minds make some effort to bring this change where things are govern by the sole passion of young entrepreneurs and innovators.