Theory of Everything

Published on: September 16, 2009

Being from the scientific background, things like this really brings a sense of wonder. The whole purpose of life unsettles itself and gives you a kick on your back. I have loved mathematics and physics since the time I remember pursing science. This is not only a remarkable theory, of which I still haven't grasped much but the things he says at the end is really touching and emotional.

"I got my PhD and looked at my options. I love differential geometry, general relativity, and particle physics. But the only options available then for a postdoc in those combined areas were in string theory, and I thought string theory was overly speculative. There are many really impressive aspects of strings — anomaly cancelation in particular — but there are other things that just seem wild and physically unsubstantiated. I had gotten lucky by investing my graduate stipend in a little company many thought was going out of business (AAPL), so I decided to go to Maui, learn to windsurf, and work on physics on my own."

Source : wiki

Though I have not gone through the whole of theory, it will take lot time to understand but here is a link which you can follow to understand and if u do let me know ;).

1. [the reference frame]( simple-theory-of.html)