Something on Life

Published on: September 12, 2008

look at it. As I was playing with MSpaint, I made it just for fun. Then, somebody comes and tells me, wow, is it an abstract art. I go "Mmmmmm, I donno."

But he doesnot stop there, he pulls down the chair and sits and stares at it. I think you have portrayed a life. And I go LIFE!. How can it be life. Then he goes away leaving me confused. Then I stay confused and totally flattered in a way. "LIFE" I am thinking. But how?

Then I draw the same in paper and try figuring it out. Life Huh. So I toss the paper, and see if I can see it. Nop not from this angle and I go and see from other angle. No no. I think I am getting something wrong. For about 15 minutes I stare at it like a zombie. Inside me there is this voice shouting "LIFE". If I can just see it. But no. I get frustated. I try coloring it and making it look as stupid and as abstract but I have no success. I go as far as I can. I burn it. I tear it. I flip it. I take it near to the mirror. It try to look at it from different perspective. I try to create a mathematical equation for it but still no Life. Dammn. I must be a fool. How can he see it but not me.

After much frusted hours I look back at it and see its no longer what I made it before. It is no longer so simple. Now it has become more complex and absurd and totally stupid. I give it one more glance. Then I realize something. I smile to myself. I tear the paper off and walk out of the room. I am satisfied, I think to myself. Now I see the Life. Can you?