RGB of Marketing Analytics

Published on: November 23, 2008

Your Analysis Report is your product , just like any other kinds of commodities that is available in the market. So, you can actually sell it, but how are you going to market it? Its a big question that I have been asking my selves for some time. How in Gods name would you do it?

In search of answer, I have been going through some Marketing Books, then I stumbled upon one such book called "Everything They Have told you About Marketing is Wrong" by Ron Shevlin.

Well, it is a very unconventional Books, hitting at the target rather than beating around the bushes. Its starts with debunking all the rules starting with 4P's of marketing, replacing it with the 3P's.

I have my own thought and I call it RGBTM of Marketing. Why RGB? Well RGB is fundamental of any colors, so obviously RGB of Marketing means fundamentals and not complexity.

Well, so let me put down the things that I have finally thought off, on how to start on Marketing your analysis or go on making one. Let me go step by step :

1. Forget about it.

Forget the fact that you have to sell or forget the fact that you are making a product in the very first place. Why? Trust me.

2. Concentrate on the problem.

Try to figure out the problem that you are solving from top to bottom. And solve it purely for the sake of solving it.

3. Respect it.

Once your product solves the problem, respect it and wrap it properly but don't over do it. Keep it simple.

4. Remember it.

Remember it. Remember What?? Good, so you have forgotten it. Well, remember the very thing that I told to forget in the first place. :-) Remember that you need to demonstrate your product in the right market. For that, learn the language people understand.

5. Give your best.

No comment on this step. It is a must for any marketer or anyone.

So, how did I go there? Yup, it sounds very very simple, but actually it isn't. There are human factor and other unknown variables which I haven't considered. I don't know if all that is even necessary? Because ultimately, your product speaks more that you. If it can't perform then its no use. So PISS, meaning Put It Simple you Stupid.

So much for my own rules and regulation. If it was so EASY then everyone would have sold by now.

Well, you happen to sell things by following the above rules, then don't forget to mention me and Offcourse, I would be glad if you dropped some part of it in my account. :-) U know what I mean.

By the way, I wasn't marketing the above book so don't shout at me, you don't have to read it.