Rejoicing New Year 2011

Published on: January 1, 2011

Well Happy New Year 2011.

This New Year is a special in many ways. Numerically, its a beginning of new decade. Secondly its 1/1/11 :)

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Well I really don't know what to write today but I just had a small thought that could be interesting to share. If you have noticed, there are always few people who basically are pessimistic about the new year celebration. They express there views by saying things like, its just another day which means nothing.

But I think people tend to forget that the new year is not just a other day. It is a special one because on that very day, billions and billions of people make a commitment to themselves to start a fresh life. They promise to themselves to do things differently and in a better ways. They resolve their issues in relationships or careers or life and build a strength to move forward. Many people set their past issues aside and move forward.

And I think that when billions and billions of people make a commitment to change themselves and start a fresh, it makes a whole lot of difference in the world and in your surrounding thus making it an auspicious day of all.