On War

Published on: December 1, 2008

There is a book named 1984 by George Orwell. This is the book with one of the most thorough analysis of the society that we live in. The society divided by the class and the society divided by the belief. No, I am not going for a book review, its an important issue that I am tyring to address.

It is strange to ponder upon the thought, if the world is ever going to attain peace. If all the human are ever going to attain the equal respect in the society. If power is ever going to be distributed to all the people with out any fear.

Its a question which has almost no answers. But we all keep trying hard to attain peace because it makes sense and it is the only thing that balances the violence.

It will be stupid to question if we are ever going to attain equality because that does not matter. What matters is that we bring a balance in the world and live in harmony. Harmony means bringing balance and not wining.

With recent Mumbai Blast and the terror all around the world, its difficult to project the future of the world. The only concern is to exist as a society rather than an individual. Philosophies and different views exist because society exist and not the other way round. We create rules not the other way around.

Mumbai Blast. These kinds of violence must not be taken as a way of life but must be fought to bring it to the end. The compromise will make the terrorism more strong and will back fire to the new future. Its a vicious cycle in which human may find themselves. One terror triggering other. But inaction to a action is not the way of nature. If no strong action is taken then there will be more terror in the future.