
Published on: December 6, 2008

Integrity , something that you need to save throughout your life. For whom do you save integrity? I say you save it for yourselves, and not for anyone else. Integrity is something that belongs to you, and you only. How do you know if you still have it, or not? You don't, until you lose it. It is the sadness thing that happens to human. Integrity is something for which people live in this world. For some one it is their only life.

But what is this integrity and how do you recognize it in you. That is if you have one. Integrity is your power to say YES and NO. It doesn't matter if it is right or wrong, but you must be able to say it. This means respecting your decision and valuing your intelligence. If you cannot then, you have lost it.

So I say, value yourselves in this world. Value your thoughts for what it is? Don't care what others have to say just believe in your reasoning. But remember there is difference in giving value and having a vanity. Recognize the difference between the integrity and the ego. If you can then you have found a way of living with integrity.

But one more thing , I can't prove if living with integrity is the right things. For me it is.