Destiny over Choice

Published on: February 21, 2011

I think I was born to be an Industrial designer. How do I know? I don't, but I just feel it that way though I am not, yet. In similar ways I could say, I was even born to be an Entrepreneur. But ironically, I never knew about these fields until few years back. This happened cause I stopped the speeding clock of my life. I took off from a steady pitch road started venturing into no man's land. I feel glad that I did.

Everyone is not born with an opportunity to know it all before hand. And not every society has a condition where one can find their destiny. So, I feel glad that I was able to find my dream. To find a thing where you could give all your life, its like finding a love of your life.

My understanding of myself begins with a realization of my interests and my choices. Irrespective of what you have been doing so far, you need to be sure of your likes and dislikes. It takes an immense effort for anyone to choose their choice, I am not able to know why? A wise person have told that you are defined by things that you don't do. There is an immense noise in today's world blocking one from figuring out clearly on what they want to do and don't want to do.

World is certainly a very noisy place and getting through it is the most difficult task of all. From the very beginning, we are told about the right and wrong, and about our moral values, only to be proven wrong latter when the reality hits you hard. Finding factual and authentic information has become difficult with time.

The satisfaction that you receive after reading a good book or watching a good movie or listening to a good music is unparalleled to anything, why? Because no matter what people say and no matter what critics say, good thing always matters. Good thing are never justified, they are just accepted and lived. You find yourself blessed to have found your passion.

So, I am still questioning over this conundrum, the choice of destiny over choice. There is a big difference between flowing along the current of a river and walking against it.