Creative Desire

Published on: March 2, 2011

One of the difficulty of being creative is not being able to conform with the surrounding. Almost every thing around you starts to become an extension of yourself. Every living and non-living things become a part of you and you try to make sure that it is the part of your conscious extension. An urge which pushes you to define your surrounding space.

Some people say that Artist is born with an ego which is unsatisfiable. This ego does not have any rule and boundaries and is very moody in its nature. It has no value proposition to the society. It simple exist within the realm of ego of an Artist. You can see the example everywhere in the history of creativity from Leonardo to modern artists. It is the only think which I have found that defines an Artist, in a good way.

But this urge to define your space can be a frustrating experience when it does not conform with your command. I don't know why this urge is so strong among creative people. It simply doesn't obey the rules and breaks the boundary of thoughts. It simply stands as the only reason to be living and this can be very troublesome, sometime. But I think you should never doubt your creative urges and move along with.

Many creative people living among us has a very hard time fitting into the realm of life, but I see everyone living for only their extension. Its like trying to do everything just to save your identity. It may be not the only helplessness of creative people but also to some extent nature of general human being.