Choice to be made.

Published on: December 16, 2008

So far so good. Its been some time, where I have been pondering upon what to write about. Should I use some marketing brains to choose a perfect topic and just throw it in or just be me. Its time to make a choice here and its not going to be so easy. Therefore, I am not going to make any choice here. Let me think more on it.

Starting from the experience so far, I have found some things regarding the Internet media that I want to share:

1. Blog is not Wiki : No matter how much you try, blog can never be wiki because wikipedia already exist and there's no reason to copy it. Blog is a place to share your views with people around the globe who understand what you are talking about. You can't talk about marketing with a guy from literature, right.

2. Social Networking, a place to Advertise: So far, I had used social site like: hi5 and facebook to connect to old lost friends and communicate with them. But recently, I find myself adding anyone in my friend list and updating my status with new posts, so that people will read what I have been writing. This brings me to another phenomenon that occurred recently with a friend of mine, Bhupendra, his success in twitter was remarkable and a interesting. [Check it out.]( getting-500-followers-in.html)

3. Obsession with the updating status: This one is the remarkable phenomenon that has occurred in the Internet. Today, people over the Internet are looking at each others profile, adding as a friend and making new connections. But this small section where you update your status, as if you are some machine is interesting. This demonstrates how expressive humans are, it also explains so many facial expressions that we can give. Also, its a great way to start a conversation. For example: If you meet someone, who doesn't show any expression, it difficult breaking the ice. But lets say, you meet someone who is happy, or sad or anything, you can at least ask the reason for it and there is goes, you are friends.

4. Twitter gives you the latest news: Unarguable, not only twitter but, these days, you don't have to log on to news site to get an update on the news. You just have to connect to your social network site and there you go, everyone is already talking about it. Its so similar to the physical world.

5. People's changing attitude towards information: All this points to one things and its people's attitude towards the information. People have become obsessive about it, they want more and more in less time, in small packets where they don't want to chew but just swallow. Its this behaviour that is new in human race, its this attitude that has some how created more opportunities in market and also somehow caused the real in depth news to lose its attention.

So, these are few of my observation and analysis. Well, as I said earlier, it has been some time ,I have not written but the fact is I did write, only things is it didn't sound correct to post it. Its better to be true to yourself and write that way, its better.