Black Hole of Normality

Published on: January 7, 2011

Black Hole!! A very mysterious element of our universe. Science has it, that it engulfs every existence of mass around it and takes them to singularity. Apparently, singularity is a point in a space where every physical law collapses.

But here, I will not delve over the singularity of black hole. Instead I will point you towards the interesting phenomenon of human behavior. Its the black hole of normality. Its a place where every human being is pulled to become normal and insignificant. Its a space where most human being delve into and gets lost into the rules of normality and only few can struggle to come out of it.

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You may be getting my point. If not let me elaborate. Every human being is given an opportunity to do something different and great. I think everyone has that right and opportunity in their life time to act.

But some how the black hole of normality pulls them into it to succumb. And yes, I mean to literally succumb. Its a poor dilemma of human beings but I think only few can break it. The pull of normality is so strong its unavoidable. But I have no offense to it. I think moving towards the normality is the nature of human beings and only few have enough strength to go against it. But few who go against it in a right way or wrong way are always glorified by the society. There are many examples in the history about it.

Just like many laws, the fundamental principle is that every thing wants to spiral down to stability. Chemical reaction happens because the final state of the reaction is more stable than that of initial. Similarly look at many principles of physics, starting with motion of inertia - every mass wants to be in a state that they are until and unless an external force is being applied on them.

Similarly the black hole of normality acts on a similar way at human being. Every human beings are attracted by this law to be normal. For years in my work and life, I have experienced people delving into normality easily. And it takes a lot of vision to pull them back to move forward boldly. But ultimately, many human beings fail to resist the stability of normality.

I don't know how much sense I am making to you. But you are getting my point then I am more than pleased. Resisting stability is very difficult for many reasons. Political, economical, personal and many others. But I just want to urge that if you want to reach to greatness in any terms or in any philosophical way, you need to identify this black hole of normality before it engulfs you by surprise. Moreover, make sure that you are not already inside the belly of black hole. If you are then you have every opportunity to come out of it, just don'r surrender.