Beatles with love

Published on: December 27, 2011

It was the year 1992, as far as I remember. I use to stay with my grandmother and grandfather, away from home. I would hang around with my mama (mother's brother) when ever he was free. He was in many ways, my early influence in many facet of my life : music, movies, clothes and what not :) Most of my early influence of music comes from his collection.

Imagine was the song which use to play in loop in his stereo player. I was slowly observing the music in background, which would slowly reveal itself in future. Somehow, the song Imagine and Tears in Heaven , always had be baffled. It was after many years, I would finally recognize the difference in the song. John Lennon was not even in the picture.

Then it was the year 1998, in my teen age, I finally carried away the collection of the cassette from my grand mom's house and brought it to my house. Now, I had my own room, my own walkman and my own fantasy of life. After hours of dusting out the cassettes and excitedly peering into the collection, I picked up the one with a faint impression of a label written with blue chinese pen - the Beatles. That was the beginning and have never ended till now.

Each of the characters : John, Paul, George and Ringo have made a place in my little dream house. Now, they have become more than just a mere music personalities but a philosophy for me. People have their concerns about the break-ups of the band and the tension between them. But I see them as 4 unique individual who for some period of time, came together for a purpose in this world.

My last thought :

Paul is about love, and John is about rebel, George is about life, and Ringo a beautiful rhythm

- bexdeep