Absense Note

Published on: July 4, 2009

Haven't been updating my blog for at least a month. I have been busy with many things lately. Our company, InRev has also made its journey to the third quarter and everyone is excited, with the fear within which our team has learnt to dominate already. The word "start up" has been a cliches for me. Everywhere I go, I keep seeing a banner saying : "Entrepreneurs or Start UP." And I find myself grouped among them. Trying to make your stand in a crowd is never so easy.

Not to mention my presence in the twitter, where I have made many friends and learnt a lot. Thanks to all of you for sharing, listening and off-course RTing :). Writing a blog in itself has become not only a passion for me, but also a way to outlet my vision to bring a better future. There are many friends along with my, moving forward with such determination to make a difference, which I salute and deeply admire. I wish, I had time to write to my blog often. But in my absence I have almost written many blog in other sites of which I have made no track of. Few to start with my own company's blogging portal, Global Thoughtz, Buzzom Blog and F-Cube Blog.

Now you make ask why so many blogging portal. I think its necessary for each company to have their blog for each of their product, cause each product has so many things to talk about. This will also create a path for people to find their queries answered immediately. A habit of reading that I had gained long time back has been a very fruitful thing for me, it has not only allowed me to write better but also think and understand better. Nope I am not trying to boast but I think its important that being a blogger you need to read a lot to understand what other's are talking about. Some time, I land up reading about things of which I have no idea. But the habit has made it easier for me to grasp the themes and get the moral of it.

Phew... it seems I haven't really been writing on my own blog, cause I am not finding any reason to stop now. But I will. This was just a blog to mark my re-entry. I have lot to tell my readers about things I have been learning lately. I hope I will keep the promise. The title should have been "I am BACK", :) but I guess "Absence Note" is OK.